Get UDID Cards/Disability Certificate for Person with Disability(Divyangjan) Online/Offline

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India has brought an innovative project to provide UDID(Unique Disability Identity)/Disability Certificates for all Person with Disability across India. The UDID project initiated for Persons with Disabilities aims at building a holistic end-to-end integrated system for Issuance of Universal ID & Disability Certificates for Person with Disabilities with their identification and disability details. 
UDID Cards/Disability Certificate for Person with Disability(Divyangjan)-
The project has been implemented on online web portal called Swavlambancard. It includes -Online availability of data of Person with Disabilities across country through a centralized web application. Online filing and submission of registration application form for disability certificate/ Universal ID card. Offline applications may also be accepted and subsequently digitized by agencies and UTs and States. 
Objective of UDID Projects for Divyangjan -
The Objective of this project is to enable the PwDs to obtain the new UDID card / Disability Certificate to avail schemes and benefits provided by the Government through its various Ministries and their Departments. UDID card will be valid pan-India. 
Benefits of UDID Card -
The UDID card shall bring a host of benefits to the Persons with Disabilities. 
  • Divyangjan or Persons with disabilities will not need to make multiple copies of documents, maintain, and carry multiple documents as the card will capture all the necessary details which can be decoded with the help of a reader.
  • The UDID card will be the single document of identification, verification of the disabled for availing various benefits in future.
  • The UDID Card will also help in stream-lining the tracking of the physical and financial progress of beneficiary at all levels of hierarchy of implementation – from village level, block level, District level , State level and National level.
  • New application for UDID Cards and Renewal of existing Certificate/Card on expiration of validity
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Two departments were created under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment vide notification dated 12.5.2012, namely:-Department of Social Justice and Empowerment (Samajik Nyaya aur Adhikarita Vibhag) and Department of Disability Affairs (Nishaktata Karya Vibhag). Now the Department of Disability Affairs (Nishaktata Karya Vibhag) has been renamed asDepartment of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Viklangjan Sashaktikaran Vibhag)vide Cabinet Secretariat’s Notification dated 9th December 2014.
How to Apply for UDID Cards- Divyangjan can apply for UDID Online as well as Offline though the camp or special drive by UTs and states. For Offline application for UDID Divyangjan are requested to visit the agencies or camp organized by state government at particular date or time. 
UDID Web Portal -
Online Application Guide for UDID Cards -
Step 1: Divyangjan will click on register link to register with UDID Web Portal 
Step 2: Click “Apply online for Disability Certificate. Fill up online application.
Step 3: Upload color passport photo and other requisite documents like Income Proof, Identity Proof and SC/ST/OBC proof as required.
Step 4: Submits data to CMO Office/Medical Authority.
Step 5: CMO Office/Medical Authority verifies data.
Step 6: CMO Office/Medical Authority assigns the concerned specialist(s) for assessment.
Step 7: Specialist Doctor assesses disability of PwD and gives opinion on disability.
Step 8: Medical Board reviews the case and assign disability percentage. CMO Office prepares Disability Certificate and generates UDID and Disability Certificate.
Step 9: UDID datasheet goes for UDID Card printing and Card dispatched to PwD.
Schemes for Persons with Disabilities - Here is the list of schemes which has been specially designed for the benefits of Divyangjan or PwD.
Scholarship schemes for the Persons with Disabilities:

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