Migration of Bihar Labour Their Problems and Solutions

Labour Migration in Bihar -
Labour migration has a long history in Bihar, and it has accelerated recently. The rate of labour migration from rural Bihar has significantly grown as a result of a lack of nonfarm work possibilities and rising labour demand elsewhere in the nation. The majority of households in Bihar depend on remittances for their survival, and more than half of those households are at risk of migrating to more affluent areas either inside or outside the state or nation. The traditional migratory hotspots of Saran, Munger, Darbhanga, Kosi, Tirhut, and Purnia are where the highest migration rates are found. The Kosi, Tirhut, and Purnia divisions have the most seasonal migration.
Migration of Labour
Problems of Labour Migration in Bihar -
The difficulties migrant workers in Bihar experience underline the need for stronger legislation and assistance programs to guarantee their welfare and financial security. The primary drivers of migration, such as a lack of economic prospects, must be addressed, and alternative means of subsistence must be made available in the home state. To avoid exploitation and abuse, the government should also seek to improve the living and working circumstances for migrant workers. Many issues affect the migrant workers from Bihar, including:
Lack of Work Opportunities: Due to its long history as one of India's poorest states, Bihar suffers from a serious lack of job options. As a result, many individuals are compelled to move to different regions of the nation in pursuit of employment.
Employer exploitation: Migrant workers frequently receive lesser pay than local employees and are also subjected to grueling hours, unsanitary conditions, and restricted access to necessities.
Insufficient Housing: Migrant workers may reside in slums or improvised communities without appropriate access to essential services like healthcare, education, or sanitation. They are more susceptible to illness and other health issues as a result.
Absence of Social Security: Migrant employees are not eligible for any social security benefits, including insurance, pensions, and healthcare.
Discrimination: Due to their language, nationality, or religion, migrant workers frequently experience prejudice. Because of this, it could be challenging for them to fit in with the community.

Solutions of Labour Migration in Bihar -
The Bihar government has developed a number of initiatives and policies designed to increase job possibilities in the state in order to address the issue of labour migration. They include programs that encourage entrepreneurship, draw in funding, and build up infrastructure. In addition, social assistance programs have been established by the government to assist migrant workers and their families. The following are some potential solutions to these challenges:
Increasing Work Opportunities: To increase employment opportunities and lessen the need for emigration, the Bihar government might endeavor to entice additional firms and industries to the region. The government may try to offer migrant workers with inexpensive housing, ensuring that they have access to necessities like sanitization and healthcare.
Enforcing Labor Laws: By more effectively enforcing labour laws, the government can make sure that migrant workers receive fair compensation and have access to fundamental rights and safeguards.
Giving Migrant Workers Social Security Benefits: The government can give migrant workers social security benefits, such healthcare and insurance, to make sure they have access to fundamental services and safeguards.
Encouraging Integration: To lessen prejudice and strengthen social cohesiveness, the government might seek to encourage integration between migrant workers and the local population. This can involve programs like language lessons, cultural exchanges, and neighborhood gatherings.

Current Situation of Bihar Labour Migrants - 
Bihar was an underdeveloped Indian state many years ago. Across the whole state, there were several issues including a lack of roads, electricity, and literacy. People from Bihar started leaving the state and taking jobs provided to them as a result of modern infrastructure and other states' growth.
In the state of Bihar, much has changed recently. The state has progressed in terms of infrastructure, roads, energy, and many other areas. The state's literacy rate is up. A number of National Highways, AIIMS, hospitals, airports, and industries are located in the state. Currently, just the mindset of the Bihari people is lacking. Bihar residents may be able to end the tradition of labour migration if they make an effort to think differently.

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