Darbhanga Airport News

Darbhanga Airport News and Updates - Our mission is to help you get all updates about Darbhanga Airport. To get the real time updates about your flight from Darbhanga Airport do subscribe us.

On 17th October 2022, Darbhanga Admin has made available 31 Acres of Land to the Darbhanga Airport. Now soon we can see the night landing facility at Darbhanga Airport. 

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We have received new flight schedule for Darbhanga Airport with effect from 08th December 2021. Do check this out if you are about to take off from Darbhanga Airport in coming days. And stay tune for further flight updates from Darbhanga Airport. Right now total 8 flights are run from Darbhanga Airport 6 of SPICEJET and 2 of INDIGO. Pretty soon we will have more flights from this Airport.

City Darbhanga is not what it is used to be an year ago, We Darbhagians are really lucky that we belong to this city which is most popular and developing like anything. Today, In India there are few parameters which decides the City's future and the future if the people belong to it. For parameters like Airport, Air-force, AIIMS, Engineering College, Medical Colleges and University, City Darbhanga stands on top. It is the only city in Bihar having this much facilities and unique facility like Women Institute of Technology.

Flights from Darbhanga to Delhi - Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Delhi. One in afternoon which takes 1 hour and 40 minutes, and second flight for Delhi fly in evening which takes 2 hours to reach Delhi. Yes, You can reach Capital of India before you reach Capital of Bihar from Darbhanga. Flight Service is operated by SpiceJet Airways. 

Flights from Darbhanga to Mumbai - Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Mumbai. Another one in evening and it takes 2 hours 45 minutes. 

Flights from Darbhanga to Kolkata - There is a daily flight from Darbhanga to Kolkata in the morning. Basically this flight fly from Chennai and it reaches Darbhanga via Kolkata. Flight service is operated by Indigo. This is a special flight as it connects two cities. 

Flights from Darbhanga to Bangalore -  Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Delhi. One in afternoon which takes 1 hour and 40 minutes, and second flight for Delhi fly in evening which takes 2 hours to reach Delhi. Yes, You can reach Capital of India before you reach Capital of Bihar from Darbhanga.

Flights from Bangalore to Darbhanga - Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Delhi. One in afternoon which takes 1 hour and 40 minutes, and second flight for Delhi fly in evening which takes 2 hours to reach Delhi. Yes, You can reach Capital of India before you reach Capital of Bihar from Darbhanga.

Flights from Delhi to Darbhanga -  Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Delhi. One in afternoon which takes 1 hour and 40 minutes, and second flight for Delhi fly in evening which takes 2 hours to reach Delhi. Yes, You can reach Capital of India before you reach Capital of Bihar from Darbhanga.

Flights from Mumbai to Darbhanga -  Right now there are two flights fly daily from Darbhanga to Delhi. One in afternoon which takes 1 hour and 40 minutes, and second flight for Delhi fly in evening which takes 2 hours to reach Delhi. Yes, You can reach Capital of India before you reach Capital of Bihar from Darbhanga.

Flights from Kolkata to Darbhanga - There is a daily flight from Kolkata to Darbhanga in the morning. The flight service is operated by Indigo.

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