Ask the PM: Live Q&A on Exams, Education, and Life with PM Modi - PPC 2024

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024: De-Stressing Exams with PM Modi
The annual Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 (PPC 2024) event, which offers teachers, parents, and children a once-in-a-lifetime chance to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is rapidly approaching. PPC 2024 appears like a ray of light as exam season draws near, promising to reduce test anxiety and help students achieve. PPC was founded in 2018 and has since grown to be a well-liked forum for candid discussion and useful guidance. Students have the opportunity to speak with the Prime Minister directly about their fears, difficulties, and goals, and they will receive insightful feedback and support in return.
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024
New in PPC 2024 - While PPC 2024 hasn't officially happened yet, it's scheduled for January 12, 2024. This year's PPC promises to be even bigger and better, with exciting new features and activities: 
  • Expanded Reach:
  • Engaging Activities:
  • Stress-Buster Focus:
  • Live Interaction:
How to Register to be a Part of PPC 2024:
The PPC 2024 registration process is easy and cost-free. Before the deadline of January 12, 2024, parents, teachers, and interested children can visit the official website at and register. It is open for Students of Class 6-12, Parents and Teachers.

PPC 2024 Rewards - 
  • Approximately 2050 educators, parents, and children who were chosen through MyGov competitions will receive PPC Kits from the Ministry of Education.
  • The Prime Minister and the winners of the competition would be able to attend Pariksha Pe Charcha together. 
  • A custom created Certificate of Appreciation will be given to each winner. 
  • A selected set of winners' students will get the chance to speak with and question the prime minister face-to-face.
Some key takeaways from PPC 2024 - 
PPC 2024 is a movement rather than merely an event. It's about giving students the tools they need to become well-rounded people who can make significant contributions to society, changing exam culture, and advocating for a holistic education. With engaging discussions, professional guidance, and the Prime Minister's perspectives, PPC 2024 gives students the tools they need to succeed in the post-exam world and manage the new normal of exams.
  • Exams are not the end goal, but stepping stones to success. 
  • Focus on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  • Embrace technology and use it to your advantage. 
  • Mental well-being is crucial for exam success. 
  • Seek guidance and support from parents, teachers, and mentors.
PPC 2024 - 
PPC 2024 is a movement rather than merely an event. It's about rewriting the story around tests and creating a welcoming atmosphere where kids can succeed. Prepare yourself, be ready to participate, and take full advantage of this amazing chance to grow, learn, and be inspired by the Prime Minister himself. Recall that tests are not obstacles to overcome but rather benchmarks for achievement. And you can overcome them with confidence and realize your dreams with the help of PPC 2024.

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